Please enjoy this extract from my Quantitative Unconscious paper, Norman (2013). We dream our world into being. The physiological brain system which endows experience with quality is an intrarelated symbolic affective distributional subsystem which can be quantitatively defined and assessed: […]
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Sublimation by Integration: the new paradigm of human personality––a psychical fusion
Usually, I communicate by way of science. Today, I will do that, but I will begin by way of historical fiction. Then, you will understand my science. Today I will speak plainly, and hope you will read further. There is […]
Continue reading »5-HT and repression: The key Indoleamine––the unconscious gateway: of civilization, creativity and hell
I will use the next few posts to outline some concepts which are brought together in a new paper entitled Re-Polarization Theory: From Native Psychoanalysis to Sublimation––The Practical Reconstruction of Modern Personality available for download at The information below […]
Continue reading »Psychoanalysis of the unconscious aspects of myth: Who Fired Prometheus?
As an author for this most inclusive and eclectic forum, it is my privilege to write a series of contributions which will look upon the mystery of our human condition. There is a particular psychological element that is available to […]
Continue reading »Quantum Psychoanalysis
Here…Have a new idea! Let us prepare to practice a bit of what I call “Ontological Calculus” and say: That of self (both biographical and feeling states) which is conscious, of conscious personality and the conscious ego, is to […]
Continue reading »Happiness Loves Company
Where does it lie–––without or within? First I will tell you in one way, as opinion and fact, then in a better way, as a story: I used to believe the fact, and had not a clue…for we are […]
Continue reading »The Poetry of Knowledge
The internet is an amazing and unreal reality. Someone I had met long ago, and forgotten, contacted me, and we have been discussing many things. Chief among my new old friend’s worries are existential matters of life, death, […]
Continue reading »From Spirituality to Neuroscience: Our Harvest of a Bounteous Knowledge––A Nested Scientificism
We are truly the luckiest generation ever to exist. I am, of course, biased in this assessment, as I believe the “soul,” “spirit,” “psyche” and soma alike, are both limited, and finite. This belief brings me to my very optimism, […]
Continue reading »The Remedy
There is much filth in the world; that much is true. But that does not make the world itself a filthy monster. ––Friedrich Nietzsche Today, we can be sure of one thing: that a remedy is in order. Our […]
Continue reading »Unappreciateditis
Unappreciateditis is a word I coined a few decades back, meaning quite literally: A pathological condition characterized by a swollen and inflamed sense of being unappreciated. As a jazz musician in this day and age I was the exemplar of […]
Continue reading »A Novel Idea: From Symptom to Sublimation
Why do we create? It seems inexplicable and mysterious, as if a sudden and unexpected force from above or below has seized us, and will not be denied. Jung, the master of anthropomorphism in psychology, descriptively named this quality the […]
Continue reading »The Pharmacology of Murder: SSRI Drugs, Hysterical Psychosis, 5-HT and Repression
We are in an age which is fraught with change, some positive and some less so. It seems as if the basic fabric of our culture has torn, as if a qualitatively new and distinct rash of horror and criminal […]
Continue reading »Self-Psychoanalysis Finds Strength
Modern personality is assembled along the lines of a lie of omission. The idea of male and female personality is a fundamental farce, an error with dire consequences. The deeply, tragically incomplete people who are in evidence everywhere, are in […]
Continue reading »Our Mistake, and The Most Hopeful Question
Modern man has been constructed around error. Error is at the very core of modern mental construction––in almost every case, a fundamental error is at the nexus, the very connective center of modern personality. This leaves us hopeless, and, in […]
Continue reading »Purpose of this Blog
Purpose: This is the Blog of–– The Black Watch: The Journal of Unconscious Psychology and Self-Psychoanalysis. Please visit the journal itself, at: for the greatest possible detail and full measure of depth regarding the following […]
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